Hello, young Padawan,     Today we are celebrating the arrival of spring. What could be better than a recipe with beautiful asparagus? The season is short; let’s take advantage of it!                 Asparagus and pea risotto For two servings   3 tbsp of olive oil 4 shallots 1/2 cup Arborio or carnaroli rice 34 fl. oz of…

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              Hello, young Padawan     After a nice walk in a park, in the forest, or the mountains, there’s nothing like enjoying a nice salad that fills your body. Since it’s still the fashion for bowls, we’re going to take inspiration from it and have a royal meal for a cowboy’s appetite.   Would you like to? So let’s go.      …

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            Hello, young Padawan     For today, we have a nice recipe that I created by being inspired, for once, by the internet. Indeed, around Christmas, I saw a lot of squash recipes in hasselbackspotatis mode on Instagram, — you know, the Swedish potatoes. And because I love the squash-potato combination, I decided to start with that.   As usual, it took me a…

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        “Perseverance is what makes the impossible possible, the possible probable and the probable achieved.” Leon Trotsky.             Hello, young Padawan     I heard your holidays were somewhat (too) festive… Liver and intestines on strike, do not panic; we will add a cute and somehow detox recipe today to the blog, like this one or that one, which can help you…

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          Hello, young padawan     I often hear: “Caro, in winter, I never eat salad. It’s too cold, it doesn’t warm me up, I need hot food!” and other justifications. If you, too, are one of the salad-skeptics, salad-conspirators, or anti-winter-saladists, the worst kind, I assure you, it won’t last.   Because today, we are doing a lovely winter salad recipe, hot and cold, and…

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