Eat less, move more … And if all that was bullshit? or almost?         Hello, Young Padawan     Let’s put the cards on the table: If you are overweight, it is because at some point in your life you have eaten more than what your body needed to function normally. Until then, we all agree. And years after years, things get tough.…

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                Hello, young Padawan       Nowadays it’s cold outside, it’s dark at 5 pm so you want comfort food because, I quote: “it’s really too unfair”, and anyway why to justify when we are hungry, hungryyyyyyy we are!!! Well, yes and no.   You know it just as much as I do, there is “hunger” and “hunger” and sometimes it is rather our…

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      My bad: Detox! I mean a «detox soup »!       « An apple a day keeps the doctor away, as long as you aim well. » Winston Churchill.     Hello, young Padawan   Come on let’s be fashionable, today we’ll talk about detox. Nah just kidding, detox is bullsh*t, your body does it alone like a big boy, but you can give it an…

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            « when we feel bad they say we have to learn patience. but what if we learn emergency in order to feel good? » Ludovic Souliman           Hello, young Padawan   Let’s talk about blood sugar. Today we cannot do the economy of knowledge about our health (anymore?) and it is even truer nowadays, while everything is denatured and polluted everywhere. Knowing…

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