« when we feel bad they say we have to learn patience. but what if we learn emergency in order to feel good? » Ludovic Souliman           Hello, young Padawan   Let’s talk about blood sugar. Today we cannot do the economy of knowledge about our health (anymore?) and it is even truer nowadays, while everything is denatured and polluted everywhere. Knowing…

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        Hello, young Padawan     Today we’re going to talk about decoration, inspiration, bouquets of parsley because flowers are for gooey marshmallow hearts, and we are savage tattooed soldiers …   No, not at all. You were scared huh? I bet you wondered if I had smoked the parsley on the pic before coming here. The truth is, I love my little zen place and I…

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                Hello,  young Padawan       It’s now or never and you know it. Tomatoes and peppers, our faithful summer buddies are quitting the stage to let the pumpkins be the queens on the dance floor of your stomach.   So you understood over the articles that you had to try as much as you could to not cook veggies and fruits…

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              hello, young Padawan       You regularly ask me in private message on Instagram or Facebook, how to be energetic on a daily basis because sometimes you feel like an old tire on the edge of an abandoned road. Well, I picture a little to be understood by everyone, but that’s basically the meaning of your question …   When I ask…

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            “You like potato and I like potahto You like tomato and I like tomahto Potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto Let’s call the whole thing off” Ella Fitzgerald.       Yep you’re right Ella let’s call the whole thing off, potato potahto, it’s time to break up with negative beliefs: fries are not always a nightmare for your health (and your hips) if you know…

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