“Autumn, marvelous autumn, mingled its gold and purple with the last greenery that had remained alive as if drops of the molten sun had flowed from the sky into the thickness of the woods.” Guy de Maupassant.             Hello, young Padawan     Your tan is gone, you’re as white as an ass, and you feel some lack of color and…

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            Hello, young Padawan     Summer is great, of course, but the skin of our body has suffered from the holidays. Anarchic food and sleep, sun, salt, and sand… it’s time to take care of yourself a bit because when you’re good with yourself, you also feel good in your head and your sneakers. Everything hangs together, lol.   Here are the little tips…

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          “Joy is the sun of souls; it illuminates those who possess it and warms all those who receive its rays.” Carl Reysz.           Hello, young Padawan     Next Monday is the famous “back to school” here. Indeed, in some countries such as the USA, Switzerland, Germany or the United Kingdom, the school year starts in August, not in September as…

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    “When the spring is too watered, the summer is deprived of dew.”. Serge Zeller. (As long as it’s not our skin… ed)             Hello, young Padawan     Because there’s something a little painful in these scorching times when you’re not on vacation and spend the day at the office: the skin shines anytime you go outside. Everyone has their neuroses. In the…

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          “To know joy, you have to share. Happiness is born a twin..” Lord Byron.             Hello, young Padawan     At this time of year, it is not uncommon to have a slightly tired complexion (and if there was only the complexion…). Indeed, the last holidays were three centuries ago on the scale of too short nights and too long…

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