“We love a city not for its seven or seventy-seven wonders, but for the answers it provides to our questions.” Italo Calvino.               Hello, young Padawan     Woodward Avenue, also known as M-1, is central, what am I saying, unavoidable, since it is the long avenue that extends almost from the waterfront of the Detroit River, north-northwest, to Pontiac, Michigan,…

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      « Every culture is born from mixing, from encounters, from shocks. Conversely, it is from isolation that civilizations die. » Octavio Paz.         Hello, young Padawan     This morning, I woke up thinking I’d like to eat Chinese food. But finding an Asian restaurant in Detroit that is vegan, am I being too optimistic?   So I launched into Sherlock Holmes mode, made…

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          “Detroit is a city that works hard, gets tired, gets dirty, gets defeated, and picks itself up every day and keeps going with a tenacity that amazes anyone who is paying attention.” Aaron Foley.             Hello, young Padawan     A new chapter in our series discovering the city of Detroit is the Corktown district. One of my favorite neighborhoods,…

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      “Play is everything you do without having to”. Mark Twain.             Hello, young Padawan     Today, we will resume our tour of Detroit, focusing on the Grand Circus Park district. American cities, since they are contemporary, are organized fairly functionally. Thus, Grand Circus Park is a charming little green area where all the stadiums and theaters are gathered, just a few…

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      « The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.»  Martin Luther King.           Detroit, Michigan, on a rainy Sunday.       This morning, you gave us sad weather, Detroit!   At 9 a.m., it feels like 6 p.m. Fog, rain, wind, thunder, and lightning paint this apocalyptic picture.…

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