Glowing healthy skin for back to school? It’s this way.






“Well-being is created through well-doing”.

Anonymous Chinese proverb.







Hello, young Padawan



For most of us, the end of summer means dehydration or dryness, and the return of acne for others. Indeed, it is not uncommon for acne-prone skin to end up with a problematic return from vacation if exposed to the sun, but that does not necessarily mean opting for an aggressive skincare ritual; on the contrary.


Regardless of the skin type, two areas suffer more than others in late summer: the eye area and the cheeks, for the most sensitive skin.


Today, besides a few tips, we will discuss face masks, since it is the most effective complement to your skincare ritual to quickly recover a plump skin. Let’s go.





Skin prone to after-sun acne

If you experience this problem every time you return from a sunny vacation, there are three solutions you can implement.


1/ Daily wear an SPF 50, especially on areas that tend to get irritated as soon as they no longer have the sun.

2/ Stay outside as much as you can the fortnight following the return from vacation. For example, you can have lunch every day in the park, with a good book or a nice colleague, spend time in your garden or on your balcony, and this, to gently disaccustom your skin from a usual exposure going from 100% to zero.

3/ Double cleanse every evening with cleansing oil and a non-aggressive face cleanser to remove the pollution to which the skin has become unaccustomed (see my previous skincare rituals, like this one or this one where I explain everything in detail, and to have some ideas of effective and soft products, ed).




Note :

1/ There is no “anti-acne” mask suggestion in here since these are usually quite aggressive products that only worsen the problem. The goal is to restore a balance.


2/ Important. Whatever the mask, especially if it contains clay, never let it dry on your face at the risk of drying out or even wrinkling your skin. It is important to keep it moist, spraying it regularly with the mist of your choice. For example, a rose or lavender water for the most dehydrated, sensitive skin or tea tree water for skin prone to imperfections, it is finally possible to fill a spray of neutral water for the most sensitive skin. The important thing is that the mask remains wet on the face.




– Dr. Hauschka clarifying clay mask is a powder to be moistened with a few drops of the tonic of your choice, either with that of Dr. Hauschka or, with Lush tea tree water, that has an anti-bacterial action, for example.


Green Keratin Manuka re-balancing face mask. As its name suggests, it will restore a balance, the T zone will be less oily, and it also takes care of pores and impurities.


– For sensitive skin: Sephora Purple clay mask. Sephora is making more and more efforts, and it is with pleasure that I will talk about one of their products for the first time on this blog. This small mask contains Kaolin, like that of Green Keratin. Kaolin is the number one ally to restore beautiful skin, purified, cleansed, balanced, and without aggressivity. It contains moisturizing and soothing agents, which will allow sensitive skin to have comfort combined with purifying care. A great idea.





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Dehydrated skin after summer

The basics: drink lots of water. Yes, I know it’s a little obvious, but it deserves to be remembered. Now, let’s move on to S.O.S care for thirsty skin.


– The hydration bomb is, of course, the sheet mask, namely a fabric mask soaked in serum, generally full with hyaluronic acids or other moisturizing agents.

The two best face mask sheets from around the world, according to your faithful servant:
NMF Aquaring sheet, this mask is full of hyaluronic acids of different molecular weights, which will bring you all the hydration your skin lacks at the end of the season.
Papa Recipe Bombee black honey mask contains, as its name suggests, honey which has a healing, restorative, calming, and healing action. Great for skin that is sensitive or prone to blemishes.


Melano cc vitamin essence mask. Vitamin C is the best ally for pigment spots and the ideal antioxidant for summer because it reduces sun damage and optimizes the action of sunscreens, provided you use it in the morning and wear an SPF, of course. Also great for acne-prone skin that needs antioxidants and helps heal acne scars—a box containing twenty fabric masks.


Tata Harper hydrating floral mask. Hyper hydrating, it calms redness and irritation. It is also an excellent after-sun. Packed with hyaluronic acids of different molecular weights, this treatment will give you back the plumped skin of your twenties! Or almost.





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You have beautiful eyes you know

Between the anarchic sleep of the holidays, the party, the sun, the wind, the swimming pool, the beach, the hike, the laughter, the tears, the forgettings to drink water, and to the much alcohol, not to mention the pizzas or ice creams, if there is one area that goes bad in summer, it is the eye area. Bad luck, it is the one that betrays us the most. No problem, there are solutions to bring back the devastating gaze you practiced so much in front of your mirror when you were 14 years old. Yes, that too, I am aware of.


1/ To drink a lot of water! Yes, I sound like an old scratched vinyl. But I feel that it will print in your brain that way. And drink this juice, great for the eye area and what’s around it, lol.

2/ Go to bed early after vacation, to recover some of those martinis-vodka-je-ne-sais-quoi.

3/ Think about artificial tears for dry eyes and/or unaccustomed to screens, to bring to the office and put them regularly so as not to die of the retina.

4/ For puffiness problems, the cold tea bag works well, the cucumber slice too, 5 to 10 min. Otherwise, there are S.O.S solutions:


The skin house pearl peptide patch. These are lotion-impregnated eye patches with a smoothing, moisturizing, and firming action.

Sisley eye mask. This is an express anti-puffiness smoothing agent (like after alcohol or food abuse, all that, ed).





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Problems of dry, mature and sensitive skin at the end of summer

-Dry eye area? Gently pat a drop of oil under your usual eye cream treatment. For example, Cacay Oil from Green Keratin, or that from Kora Organics which has a pink quartz stone ball for a very pleasant little massage …


-Skin with areas of dryness or tightness during the day? Jones road stick balm (the new brand of makeup artist Bobbi Brown, ed) to slip into the purse and use during the day. Take a little amount with your fingertips and tap on dry areas such as cheeks, top of the cheekbones … Can be used easily over natural makeup. The scent (due to the ingredients) is very relaxing, soothing. It is also perfect for giving hair a little suppleness and softening rough areas such as elbows, knees, mothers-in-law … just kidding.


-Beware of grain scrubs that can damage weakened summer skin. I prefer grain-free exfoliators for the end of summer, acidic lotion-type exfoliators like AHAs, or gentle exfoliators like Lush Herbalism, which is based on almond powder.


-Don’t forget the sunscreen for lunch at the park with your colleagues!






To take care of your skin from the inside, you can click here for a nice juice recipe for the end of this season, and there. You’re welcome.


As usual, these ideas to make you want to take care of yourself with what you already have in your own bathroom or to please yourself with a skincare product that will suit your skin. I wish you the best back to school possible, plus sexy skin!




XO 🥒




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