“Reading is setting out to discover a universe; it is also setting out to meet who we are.” Victor Hugo.           Hello, young padawan     Today, we will discuss the importance of reading, the challenges many people face in maintaining their reading habits, and potential solutions to help us engage with literature more regularly.   You might wonder why we should…

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      “A goal does not always have to be achieved; often, it just serves to give us direction.” Bruce Lee.           Hello, young Padawan     Just because it’s as cool as April doesn’t mean we’re not heading into summer. The seasons come and go; no one is the same. Some springs look like summers, and some winters look like springs.   However, the…

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          Hello, young Padawan     Today, it’s time for an easy recipe. Simply place all the ingredients in a dish, let it cook, and then savor the delicious result.   We will also shed light on a frequently overlooked herb, rosemary, which possesses both medicinal and aromatic qualities, as potent as they are subtle. I encourage you to click here to discover its essential benefits…

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          “Detroit is a city that works hard, gets tired, gets dirty, gets defeated, and picks itself up every day and keeps going with a tenacity that amazes anyone who is paying attention.” Aaron Foley.             Hello, young Padawan     A new chapter in our series discovering the city of Detroit is the Corktown district. One of my favorite neighborhoods,…

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          Hello, jeune Padawan     The weather is a little better, but it could be better. The seasonal vegetables have arrived, so we might as well take advantage of them.”Vegetable tian,” a famous recipe from the south of France, is a bit like everyone’s recipe, even if there is some consensus.   So we will make this typical Provençal dish in my own way because if you…

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