The last infused water of the year, to say goodbye to summer.






Hello, young Padawan



Some will say “aha!”, others “oooh!” My stats tell me that you like these infused waters that I have fun creating year after year. It’s our little red thread of summer, which begins with the heat and ends with the return of school bags.


So here we go for the last recipe, among the tastiest and rich in antioxidants!





0392D7EA D482 4845 AA5E D19745AC7783 scaled - The last infused water of the year, to say goodbye to summer.





Eau infusée myrtille menthe

2 handfuls of pre-frozen wild blueberries. For example, those from your picking or garden or Whole Foods Market will do just fine.

10 mint leaves. Those from your garden, untreated, or find a small organic pot in a garden center, guaranteed pesticide-free *

A small carton of coconut water, about 20 cl – 7 oz

2 liters (or about 70 fl oz) of filtered water


Optionnal : some ice cubes.






Note : Freezing wild blueberries allows for better infusion afterward.


Harvest, then, quickly rinse mint leaves.



Pour the mint leaves and blueberries into a large carafe, then add the coconut and filtered water. Stir and leave to infuse in the fridge overnight – minimum 6 hours.






Using a fine tea strainer, a coffee filter, or a fine strainer, pour your infused water into your prettiest glasses or water bottle for the office. Add a few ice cubes for an “aperitif” effect.


Keep refrigerated for 24 hours.





Here is the final and divine infused water recipe, marking the annual appointment for next year. I wish you a pleasant weekend, and I will see you next Friday for new adventures on the blog.



XO 🫐





0566798B CC87 49C5 9266 3FDE2D75BA08 scaled - The last infused water of the year, to say goodbye to summer.

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